Monday, June 15, 2020


This comes from the website Lottie and Doof and they got the recipe from the cookbook Baked. The only cinnamon in this whole recipe is mixed with sugar and cocoa powder and layered between two layers of batter. I made half the recipe in a 9" x 2" square baking dish. I omitted cinnamon completely from the recipe and used a lot more cocoa powder in the swirl layer and added 1.5 teaspoons to the crumb topping, which called for none. There isn't any point in using cocoa if you can't taste it and I can tell you that I could barely taste the amount called for in the swirl mixture, 1/2 t., so I added a whole lot more, one tablespoon. I used less than half of the salt called for in the crumb topping and it was almost too much. I added ground pecans to the cake batter instead of adding it to the crumb topping because I wanted the flavor throughout the entire cake. That caused the batter to be darker than the one photographed on the website I got this from. I used light brown sugar in the crumb topping instead of dark brown.

This turned out great. It's very moist. I used twice the amount of salt called for (1/2 t.) and it's perfect. Half the recipe is a lot of cake, it made a very thick 9" square, so I'll make half next time in an 8" pan.

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