Monday, June 15, 2020

BEST HOT FUDGE SAUCE by The Stay at Home Chef

This comes from The Stay at Home Chef. It's made with both unsweetened cocoa powder and milk chocolate chips (but you can use any kind) and is very good. I made half and used 2% milk instead of evaporated milk since I didn't want to waste half of a can since I only needed half of it. It made exactly 2 cups. I used unsalted butter, it called for salted, and added close to 1/8 teaspoon salt for half the recipe. At room temperature this stayed thin and ran off the ice cream. It thickens slightly in the refrigerator and clings to the ice cream when poured on it without heating it first. I will make this again, definitely, but will use a little less milk and cook it a few minutes longer in hopes of it being thicker than this time.

I grade this an A- for the thin consistency.

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